Tuesday, May 19, 2009

More French speaking people!

After getting back from work, I took PH to the Oasis Center and we did some clothes shopping. He had to meet a friend of his at Forum in the evening so I took him there. Met Claudine, invited her to Angie's farewell dinner tonight, and left PH & Claudine to catch up over coffee. Claudine's phone number is so much similar to mine, that its almost eerie!!

Later in the evening, PH, Claudine, and Claudine's flatmates Morris & Nabeel came over. So we had a lot of French speaking people in our home that evening!

Walked to Nandhini in the slight drizzle, and met Meena, Adi T, Angie & Sarah who were there already. Adi Y & Lawrence joined us later, so we had 7 different nationalities being represented at our dinner table!!

Shaarad - UK
PH & Claudine - France
Nabeel - Lebanon
Morris - Senegal
Sarah & Angie - USA
Meena - Australia
Adi Y, Adi T, Lawrence & me - India

<- Googie, Claudine & Morris at our place (sorry about the quality)

Angie's farewell dinner - Googie & Shaarad ->

<- Angie's farewell dinner - Angie, Meena & Lawrence

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