Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Beer @ Pecos

Today Shaarad had a sudden craving for having beef, and he sent me an e-mail suggesting we have some beef for dinner. I'm always up for any kind of meat, so I was game; and we chose to go to Pecos. As luck would have it, the cook called in sick, so it seemed like there was nothing to stop us from going out to get some beef for dinner - till we spoke to Adi Y. Adi Y in his usual manner made a long face, saying that he wanted to have Punjabi food. After what seemed like ages, we somehow managed to convince him that we also get some paneer in Pecos, and off we went to good old Brigade Road.

We parked our motorcycles near Crossword, and began walking towards Pecos. Thats when we realised that we were closer to Mojos, and since the management is the same at both places, the food & beer must also be the same! Moreover, Mojos is not as congested as Pecos. We were just about to get into Mojos when Shaarad got a call from Lawrence, who said that they were already at Pecos. So we decided to simply join those guys.

Met Angie, Meena, Lawrence & Ajay at Pecos, and had a very heavy dinner. Got back home close to midnight.

At around 12.30 am, I was just preparing to go to bed when I got a call from an unknown local number. I wondered who could be calling this late, but answered it anyway. It turned out to be Pierre-Henri Le Besnerais (PH) from France. He had requested to surf my couch sometime back, and I had agreed; but I had completely forgotten about him :) He said he had just landed in Bangalore, and was going to take a taxi to our place.

So I waited, and PH reached at around 2 am. We spoke to each other about our countries, our languages and our cultures till about 3 am. He was so excited to be in India, that he had to smoke a few cigarettes back-to-back to calm his nerves...

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