Sunday, May 17, 2009

Bicycle Ride # 1

Woke up early in the morning on Sunday (after only about 4 hours of sleep), and also awakened Adi Y. Both of us got to the Oasis Center with our bicycles at about 7.15 am to find Eva, Ash & Megha waiting there already. The original plan to ride to Begur got canceled and we decided on an alternate route.

Read more about the ride here.

Came back home and crashed after the ride, only to wake up in the evening. Went to SPAR with Adi Y and did a lot of shopping for the house. I was wearing the red "Shiamak" T-shirt, thanks to which one Mr. Roomi came up to me and enquired about the classes for his kid. I took his card, and later e-mailed him the details he needed. Shaarad got back from Delhi, and we talked a bit about making a short trip to Bandipur the coming weekend. Lets see if that works out...

Photos of the bicycle ride (same as those present in the above link):

<- First break (Sarjapur Road, Outer Ring Road intersection)

Weed covered Bellandur Lake ->

<- The group at Bellandur Lake (L to R: Adi, Googie, Megha, Ash & Eva)

Riding along the narrow streets ->

<- The route (

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