Sunday, May 17, 2009

Dinner at MTR

Shaarad had gone home to Delhi this weekend to meet his Mom, who had come down from the UK; so it was going to be only Adi Y & me at home this weekend. On Friday afternoon, I was preparing for a lazy weekend and wondering what I could do to keep myself busy. In the evening I got a call from Adi T saying that they've planned to meet for dinner at MTR. Since I wasn't doing anything, I decided to join them.

A quick look at Google maps showed me the shortest route to get there, and I reached just when the others had found a table. Preeti, Angie, Meena, Adi T & I had a heavy dinner, with Adi Y joining us midway. From there, all of us came to our place and chatted a bit. Adi Y then left for his friends' place in Marathahalli and the rest of us decided to watch a Brit comedy movie "Hot Fuzz". Nobody seemed to be enjoying the movie so much, so we stopped after an hour or so. It was close to midnight then, and they all prepared to leave just as Adi B & Danny came over.

I dropped Preeti home, came back and chatted with Adi B & Danny till the wee hours of morning. We also put up a poster of Slash that I had got from the US. Then I dropped them home, came back and went off to sleep at around 5 am.

<- The Slash poster that now adorns our living room

From up-close ->

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