Saturday, May 23, 2009

Alvida PH

Today was just another boring day at the office. Came back to see PH packing all his stuff. Shaarad, Stag[1] & I went up to the terrace at chilled out for a bit. Then we came back down and had a quick dinner. PH said his byes to Shaarad & Stag; and off we went towards Majestic on my motorcycle. After the past few days, PH had become so comfortable on the bike that he could now easily carry his heavy backpack whilst riding pillion!

PH's bus was set to leave at 10.30 pm, but we left home at 8.30 pm. We had reached Corporation Circle within no time, and I was beginning to think maybe we had started off a little too early. But once we entered KG road, the traffic came to a near stand-still and I was glad that we had a lot of time to spare. The bus-stand was about a kilometre away, but it took us close to 45 minutes to cover that short stretch.

Finally parked the bike, and began the search for platform 25 in the KSRTC bus-stand. The night Volvo to Pondicherry leaves from platform 25, which is located in some remote corner of the bus-stand. It took us about 15 minutes just to find the platform, but we did get there eventually.

Chatted about random stuff over the next few minutes, and then it was time for the bus to leave. Said goodbye to PH, and got back home.

Found Adi B, Danny, Pammu & Stag at home already. Meena, Lawrence, Adi T & Shaarad joined us later and we had a good time singing songs and stuff. Went to bed at 6 am :)

[1] - Adi Y will be called Stag henceforth!

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