Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Took Jana Home!!!

Can you believe my audacity?!!
Bcoz I sure can't..

[voices in my head
CGIM => conservative guy in me
AGIM => avant-garde guy in me]

CGIM: This is India for Gawd's sake; these things don't happen here!!
AGIM: But its not like Jana is my girlfriend or something..
CGIM: But still man, she's a girl
CGIM: She's white!!
CGIM: She's elder to you!
CGIM: What was the whole purpose dude?
AGIM: It served a dual purpose actually. Let me explain:

1. My relatives think that I'm just another simple guy (which is correct) who will do exactly what they tell me to do (which is totally incorrect). So this trip helped me to drive home the point that I will do as I wish, when I wish. Period. I am a rebel, and they'd better get used to that.

2. More importantly, Jana is a student of intercultural communication, and this trip would've taught her a lot about Indian families and stuff (hands-on experience in industry terms).

CGIM: Don't you get it you d*mbass? She's a foreigner. Atleast you could've taken some Indian girl..
AGIM: Dammit man, did you already forget what I just told you. You're beginning to sound like a conservative old aunty; even my relatives were more chill. This is the year 2006 man, the world is not as small as it used to be..

All said and done, it remains that last weekend was a totally exhausting express trip to Mangalore and back with a European girl. Caught a Friday night bus to Subrahmanya. Met my Dad and visited 4 temples. Reached Mangalore in the afternoon. Introduced Jana to many aunts, two uncles, my grandmother and my great-grandmother.Caught a Saturday night bus back to Bangalore.
<- Sujata Aunty & Jana

Jana & Vicky ->
<- Granny & Vicky

Jana & I made fried rice on Sunday ->

1 comment:

Aquarian said...


Googie went to a temple? Yana naii pinda!! what have you done?