Friday, July 29, 2005

Weekend ahead....

Everything seems to be working fine after a long long wait. But that means going back to work. Can't say "System Problem" to my lead anymore....

<-- My desktop

My new comp in my new cube! -->

Work aside... I'm going for a weekend getaway trip to Bandipur with my ex-colleagues (from Perot Systems). We're celebrating our 1 year completion in the software industry (joined Perot Systems on 26th July 2004). We will be leaving tomorrow morning at 5.30 and will be back on Sunday night at 9. Twenty two of us are going... so it should be a lot of fun :)

Wednesday, July 27, 2005


You fix one thing and another problem arises. Got Windows re-installed, and all the softwares, but 2 of the softwares that are supposed to integrate are not integrating. Hmmm... this looks like a biggie, wonder how many registry edits, how many uninstall-install cycles, how many restarts will be needed to get it up to speed!!!

The best part of the day was that my pal Kini came from Manipal... oh lassi peelo yaar, come on!!!
It was a nice surprise planned by Kates, Gupta & Kini, very unlike Kini's trip that was totally unplanned. All of us had dinner at Queens.. ordered a Full Tandoori chicken, got it parceled and later threw half of it. What a waste!! sheesh.
Had a good time back at home, chatted till late...

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Got a brand new computer in my new cube, but those guys have goofed up. Some d*ckhead has screwed up the Windows installation, which means a royal waste of time for me.

Monday, July 25, 2005

A new phase

Life can be divided into phases. As you finish one phase, you enter another. Today, one phase of my life has ended and another has begun. One door has been closed... I'm sure another one has been opened somewhere; I just have to be patient till I find it. OK, enuff with the philosophical stuff.

Something else is also going to change today... and thats my cube!!
I'm being moved to the 4th floor now, where most of my team is (which means most of the work is) :(

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Just trying....

Very very very very very very very new to the world of blogging....

Just trying this out... might stop in a week... might do it for the rest of my life, dunno!!!

This weekend

This weekend has positively got to be the most boring weekend I've had. Here's what has happened so far....

Woke up early yesterday (5 a.m!!!!) to keep my bike outside the gate. Or else, the landlady would come and ring the damn bell like there's no tomorrow. Came back up and went right back to sleep... woke up again at 9
Went to visit my aunt at Jayanagar. Drove 30 k.m. just to find no one's home!!
Came all the way back home to Marathahalli and went back to sleep. Thought of going to M.G. Road in the evening and chill out. Didn't even reach halfway, and was drenched to the skin. Had loads and loads and loads of chicken at TFC (sheesh... don't think I even want to look at one of them birds again)
[ Trivia: A hen can never be air-borne for more than 6 seconds. ]
Came back home and watched "Broken Arrow"..... awesome movie
Goods called from Mumbai.... was good talking to him.

Woke up with a start... Sunday already... 10.30 already. Was wondering how come the landlady didn't come hollering at 6, then remembered that I had forgotten to keep my bike inside. Poor bike was out in the rain the whole night :(
I'm typing this on my comp at work. Came here bcoz I was getting bored at home... Man! Looks like my social life really needs a boost... and fast!

My cousin called sometime back. Said he was at home itself yesterday getting bored. And to think I went all the way and came back thinking no one's home!!! God... why me?!!!

Can't even go out anywhere.... its pouring outside.