Thursday, March 02, 2006

3 Months Gone!!!

A lot of water has flowed in the Ganges in the last 3 months and a lot has happened in my life.

Sometimes I regret not keeping a diary like I used to in college.(I have 4 diaries of my 4 years of Engineering in MIT Manipal. Man, I really treasure them!)
Someone told me that life won't be so interesting once you start working, so I stopped writing my diaries. But I have realised that life never stops being interesting - school or college or work or old age, I guess its just how you look at it.

For some reason, as I write this I remember a saying that, "Sometimes its better to travel than to arrive". The words may not be perfect but you get the meaning right? If you've read "The Alchemist", then you would recall the merchant who used to work so that he could save enough to go to Mecca. Finally, when he can easily afford to go to Mecca, he doesn't; because he believes that if he did then his sole aim in life would be over and there would be nothing left to live for!!

Anyways, coming back to the last 3 months, lets see what has happened!

The highlight definitely has been me meeting Jana (pronounced Yana). It was destiny that brought us together at the tree plantation in November:
Had I not gone for that tree plantation, I would probably have been just another software engineer in Bangalore, blowing away cash every weekend without doing anything worthwhile. But thanks to this wonderful lady from the Czech Republic, I can say with some pride that my Sundays are not going waste anymore :)

<- Jana & I at some pub on Residency Road

After a successful slum school painting project ->

<- At an orphanage for the next community service project

Besides that I had been to Delhi for my US visa interview (stayed one night at the Hyatt Regency, and the next one at Priya's place - and liked the latter more!!), followed by Bhavik's reception in Pune, followed by New Years Party @ Nasik (party pics here:

Some misc pics:

<- Priya at her home

With Adreen & Wesley at Bhavik's reception ->

<- met Arun & his wife at Mumbai airport (its a small world indeed!!)

1 comment:

Sachin Nayak said...

Neat. Atleast somebody passing out from MIT is doing neat. And nice to know that all engineers do not end up in IT services industry.