Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Slaps and Punches Gone Wild

Yesterday while randomly stumbling about the Internet (using stumbleupon of course), I came across a shocking video. Its the video of a particularly shameful incident on an Indian reality show. The show supposedly aims at instilling self-confidence in youngsters.

There must be a hundred sites that have embeds of this particular scene, and I'll go ahead and become the hundred and first. Watch it for yourself:

I'm not sure whether everything that happens in the video is real or staged. But it sure seemed very real to me. Let us assume for now that it is indeed real and not just an act.
What I find most appalling about the entire scene is not the contestant slapping the hostess, but the fact that some 20 guys got together to beat up one lone guy. What a bunch of cowards. Disgusting.

Now I'm not privy to what agreements the contestant had to sign before being allowed to participate. If he had already signed stuff that clearly said that he may be subjected to mental or physical abuse during the show; then he should've just stood there and taken her slap. But if he didn't, then I believe he should sue these guys.

I'm totally against violence in all its forms, and I'm particularly against violence towards women; but the way this particular hostess was behaving, I thought she deserved what she got.

If you're interested there's another video that shows what happened before the incident above, available here.

1 comment:

wineye said...

good stuff dude.. keep it coming.. n nice pick on the reality show.. they deserved it.. bunch of morons.