Tuesday, August 12, 2008

In the US again

So many times it has happened that I was doing something wonderful, something I would want to read about in the future and remember, and so I would tell myself that I would make a blog entry about it. But every time I either forget to write it, or am just plain lazy :(
I've given up now, and resigned myself to accept that this blog is always going to be on and off.

Here I am sitting in front of my laptop at close to midnight in a small village in the north west suburbs of the beautiful city of Chicago in the US of A trying in vain to remember all that has happened in the past few months and trying to cram all that information into a single blog entry. But the sheer magnitude of that task has already begun to demotivate me, so I'm going to cut the long story short.

One fine morning my manager comes up to me and asks me to start packing my bags because I'm to fly off to the other side of the planet asap. But my visa had expired so I had to start the long and boring process of getting a new visa. The visa interview in Chennai proved to be a welcome mini vacation thanks to some good planning and some great company. We could manage to sneak in a small trip to Pondicherry (now Puducherry). But we sure would've enjoyed the trip much more had the weather not been so unforgiving on the sweat pores.
Once I had the visa it was just a matter of time before I was on my way to the US. Many things about my workplace may be bad, but long distance transit is definitely not one of them. After all who would complain if he were treated like a King on Lufthansa business class and United Airlines first class!

<- Frankfurt Airport

East coast of Lake Michigan ->

It didn't take long for me to get over the jet lag and settle down to work here. This time I'm alone on an assignment here, so it can get boring sometimes. But I've been trying to keep myself busy with some trips over the weekends.

I had been to Oshkosh, Wisconsin a little ago to meet Liz (through couchsurfing). It was a fun trip with some violin play, some sun tan, some river walking and a lot of cultural exchange.

<- With Liz at her apartment

Last weekend I drove to Canton, Michigan to meet Kiran uncle and family. Saw my youngest cousin (as of today) Neel for the first time.

<- With the Canton cousins!

Almost in Canada ->

Later Kiran uncle took me to downtown Detroit where we tried our luck at some of the slot machines in Greektown Casino. Also went to the Ren Cen and walked a bit along the Detroit Riverfront (with Canada on the other side). Had some amazing home food prepared by Swati aunty (she also froze a lot of it so I took take it back with me!!).
The drive back from Canton was a really long one because I went down south to Ohio, drove along one of Ohio's scenic byways, entered Indiana from the west and then traveled north-west towards Chicago.

<- The Man and The Moron (at Fort Recovery, OH)

Stopped for a break at the Indiana welcome center just before entering Illinois, where I found an unclaimed red suitcase. This prompted me to make my first ever 9-1-1 call. A cop showed up soon enough after which I was back on the road. Reached home after midnight after a 9 hour drive!
Drove 833 miles this weekend :)

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