Saturday, August 30, 2008

A Great Woman; A Great Life!!

This post is dedicated to my Great-Grandmother who passed away yesterday at 8.30 pm Indian Standard Time, at a ripe old age of close to a 100 years. Her death didn't come as a shock, since she had been bed-ridden for the past few months, and everyone knew that the end was near. She was a highly respected and deeply loved lady who was known to everyone in the family simply as 'Amma'.
She had married my Great-grandfather (who was a Customs and Excise inspector with the then British Government) at an early age, and together they had 9 children.

She was my first teacher ever, and always had a proverb ready for any situation. For the last 25 years, I could brag that I still had my Great-grandmother around, but sadly I can't do that anymore.

She was the glue that held our entire big family together with everyone coming home to Mangalore at least once in a while to meet her and seek her blessings. How attached we all stay together in the years to come is something only time will tell...

May her soul rest in peace.

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