Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Labor(ious) Day!

Phew! Labor Day was indeed a laborious day for me. I've been out shopping the whole time, but I'm not quite as finished with shopping as I'd like to be.
I think the biggest obstacle is the sheer number of choices I have!!
Can you believe it took me almost an hour to buy a single poster?!!!

I think this country has everything in excess. For instance, suppose you feel like having ice-cream one fine day. First you'll have to choose where to buy it from, from among the many super markets around. Once you get there, you'll be greeted by tall rows stacked with so many ice-creams that it would probably take more than a year for all the kids in your town to finish off. Say you pick the vanilla flavor, you'll still need to choose from at least 10 different brands. Once you pick a brand, you'll have 10 slightly different flavors of the vanilla flavor itself. By this time, your urge to eat ice-cream would probably have vanished, but you'll still go ahead and buy it because you've already spent so much time and effort in choosing it :)

Intuitively, one may feel that more the number of choices one has, the greater the chances that one actually makes a purchase. But apparently, this may not be true according to this article: Why we buy what we buy. Its rather long, but you'll probably find it interesting if you like economics and stuff.

With me not getting tickets on the days I want, and people in my team wanting me to stick around in the US for some more time; my assignment may just get slightly extended. We'll have to wait and watch how things shape up in the next few days.

No snaps to upload today...

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