Monday, May 14, 2007

More than a year later

The title of this post describes just how lazy I am [:)]
And look how I'm writing smilies within sqaure brackets now; only Orkut is to be blamed for that. Orkut has caught on in a big way in India, because I can find almost everyone I ever knew, and thought never would meet again... on Orkut!
I remember the days when I first joined Orkut. It was almost entirely a Brazilian crowd in there, with scraps being mostly in Spanish. But once the Indians got to know of it, there was no stopping them :) Now its with great difficulty that I can find a non-Indian profile!!!

Anyways, the year that was must've been very eventful indeed, because I don't remember any event from it. The best times usually pass by so soon that one doesn't even realise. The highlights of last year would probably be my Ladakh trip, and our great Salsa performance in office!

The Ladakh trip was just a crazy adventure. Just packed my bags and left Bangalore. Met Alex (a German guy who I'd only talked to a few times on the phone) for the first time in Delhi, and off we went to one of the most beautiful places on the planet. It was 15 days of bliss in the midst of the clean (but thin) mountain air. I felt fresh for almost a month afterwards.

The salsa performance... My vocab is simply not good enough to put the feeling in words. Practicing for the event were easily the most fun-filled days in Motorola. It'd be really hard to top those for sure. The first time our group went out was probably for the charity dinner organised by FSL India at the Leela Palace. I could never describe that night as well as my pal Prashanth does here.
(you should read some of the other stuff he writes too; take my word for it, that guy is simply hilarious)

I also remember going to Manipal sometime. I just had to go one last time before Kini left bcoz after that it wouldn't make much sense since none of our guys would be left in the beautiful place. At 10.20 pm I was lazing about in our bean-bag at home watching some B grade hindi movie that my roomie Vinay had managed to get his hands on from somewhere :) At 10.30 pm I was ripping on my bike towards Majestic. At 10.55 I was on a KSRTC bus headed to Manipal. Totally unplanned trip...

<- Kini & Shiva at Manipal

Playing for the Motorola soccer team ->

to be continued...

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