Sunday, March 16, 2008

Navin's good news...

This last weekend went by in a flash, and it doesn't even feel like there have been 2 days between the last post and this one. I was working late into the evening on Sat so thats one day down right away. Sunday started off as a boring and lazy day and I wouldn't have gotten out of bed had it not been for Vance's phone call. Met Ballu after more than a year (he was down in B'lore on work). Had lunch at Empire with Vance, Ballu and Roshan (Vance's cousin).

Navin called later in the evening and broke the good news about his wedding to Smitha on the 27th of April. It'll be great to meet my dear old pal and one time room-mate when he comes down. Kini also will definitely come for Gupta's wedding so it'll be like a small time reunion :-)

Watched Die Hard at P's place late into the night. Finally going to sleep at 2...

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